Newsbrands Scotland welcomes Ofcom plan for BBC news market impact reports Broadcast regulator Ofcom is to publish an annual examination of the impact the BBC’s online content has on local news…
DC Thomson reports big rise in digital subscriptions DC Thomson has reported a 47 per cent growth in digital subscriptions, the ““biggest growth in our regional news business…
45th Scottish Press Awards opens for entries Full recognition of multi-platform news publishing has been put at the heart of the highly coveted Scottish Press Awards as…
Inverness Courier wins backing for award-winning campaign A UK award-winning campaign by the Inverness Courier to have the notorious A9 dualled has been backed by two MSPs…
Section 40 a threat to Press freedom, says Scottish Culture Secretary Statutory incentives to force news publishers to join a State-approved regulator are a potential threat to Press freedom, says Scottish…
SNS renamed Newsbrands Scotland The trade association for Scotland’s news publishers, the Scottish Newspaper Society, has from today been renamed Newsbrands Scotland, dropping “newspaper”…
Tech giants “feeding off” news publishers, says minister A UK Government minister today (October 4) accused tech giants Google and facebook of “feeding off” the work of preofessional…
Scottish Newsbrands signal they mean business When my journalism career started 40 years ago, newspapers had the field to themselves and the biggest threat to continued…
Photographer becomes first to win Journalist of the Year at the Scottish Press Awards Press Association photographer Jane Barlow tonight became the first ever photographer to win the coveted Journalist of the Year category…
44th Scottish Press Awards finalists unveiled The highly anticipated shortlist for Weekly Newspaper of the Year has today been announced by the Scottish Press Awards, one…