Now known as Newsbrands Scotland, the Scottish Newspaper Society was formed in 2009 when the Scottish Daily Newspaper Society amalgamated with the Scottish Newspaper Publishers Association. Originally, the SNPA represented the interests of weekly publishers while the SDNS, which was founded in 1915, represented daily and Sunday papers.
Our principal aims are to promote and safeguard the interests of the newspaper publishing industry in Scotland, to maintain press freedom, and to improve the profile of the newspaper publishing industry in Scotland.
Newsbrands Scotland is governed by a Council of members which meets quarterly and has three sub-committees reporting into it: the editors’ committee, a distribution committee and an ad hoc advertising and marketing committee.
The Council is led by a president and vice president, who are elected every two years, and employs a director to administer its affairs, currently John McLellan who was appointed SNS director in 2013.
Newbrands Scotland is an associate member of the UK news publishing trade association, the News Media Association.
On this website you will find details of our members, and links to other important information about the operation of the press in Scotland and the UK.